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How to End Your Liability in a Partnership

Ending a partnership can be a significant and emotional decision. Whether you're looking to pursue new opportunities, trying to mitigate personal risk, or experiencing challenges with your current partners, understanding the steps to effectively end your liability can help you avoid unnecessary legal disputes.

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Setting Up a Trust

If you don’t have a trust yet, you should definitely consider setting one up. As one of the most flexible and powerful estate planning tools, a trust can help you keep your assets out of probate and reduce your estate’s tax liabilities, among other things.

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“Material” vs. “Immaterial” Contract Breaches

As experienced business litigation attorneys, we've seen firsthand how contract breaches can disrupt business operations and relationships. We understand the stress and uncertainty that come with these situations, and it's our mission to help you navigate these complex legal waters.

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What to Do When You Suspect Your Business Partner of Fraud

You have worked hard to create your business and put it in a position to grow. If something puts your business in jeopardy — even if it’s done by your own business partner — you need to take whatever steps may be necessary to protect yourself and your company.

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Creating a Trust for Children With Substance Abuse Problems

Trusts are vital estate planning tools that are often used to keep away assets for children until a future date. Essentially, upon the trustor's death or sudden incapacitation, the named trustee will administer the trust and distribute trust property to beneficiaries in accordance with the provisions of the trust document.

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Wills Vs. Trusts: Which One Is Right for You?

When you begin the process of creating an estate plan, there are many things to consider. With so many different estate planning tools available that serve different functions, it may be confusing, leaving you unsure about which path to take.

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